All the animals we sell are purebred Limousines, mostly from organic herds. They are registered in Estonian central performance monitoring system together with Herd Book data.
Females are offered in categories such as weaned heifers, heifers for mating and pregnant heifers.
Bulls whom we offer:
- Young bulls (age up to 24 months)
We strongly recommend to use young bulls in the first year on a smaller group of cows/heifers (up to 20). Otherwise there might be problems with longer pregnancy time for females or poor result of pregnancy in general. A normal-size mating group gives the young bulls a possibility to increase in growth and musculature, and hold his legs for overload.
- Sometimes we also offer older bulls for a „second round“, which means that they started work in our herds as we wanted to get progenies from them at first. Then, his calves are also presented in the offer.
Bulls are categorised by their area of suggested use – the way in which the selling farms see the use of animals (heifer bulls, terminal sires etc). The same bull can be under different categories – as the farmer sees his possibilities.
Price includes all costs for a pedigree certificate and also animals genetic test (if this is performed).
Click on the category of interest to get a quick and easy overview of the animals we offer and their sales principles!